Snowy Days start February 2014

Hello!  Hope you are having a GREAT day!  February has

started up with a BANG of "snow"! Woke up to Sunday; aka Ground Hog's Day / Super Bowl with almost 4 inches of snow!  BEAUTIFUL!  Aric ended up making a couple of batches of "snow cream"  - it was good!  Guess the "Phil" the ground hog knew what he's talking about with 6 more weeks of winter.

This last week held the CJHS National Junior Honor Society new member induction!  Aric was inducted last year as a 7th grader; this year, the 8th graders held the ceremony.  

Very proud of Aric - keeping his grades up has been a struggle through out sports; but he has managed and done well.  It's always nice to see them all dressed up also!  

Can't believe that he will be in high school next year - WOW!

KV and I also worked the CHS Invitational Power Lift on Saturday!  This is something that we volunteer for and always enjoy watching the students participate! CHS has a strong team - both girls and boys! It was a great success!

Sunday night was reserved for the great Super Bowl -  I always look for the new commercials!  Figured if they are shelling out $4,000,000 for 30 seconds that they would be good - not!  This super bowl was not so great for
commercials or football - boo!  But the super bowl snacks were awesome... LOL!  

Thank you so much for stopping by - wishing you a great week ahead!  Next up on the agenda for posts is a great PECAN recipe of KV's and more snow pictures... we have snow predicted for the next TWO weeks!  That's a first in Childress history (for February)!  

Come back soon!  Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...